3.4 Putting it all together with the lot sizing example: (Hart et al., 2017)

3.4 Putting it all together with the lot sizing example: (Hart et al., 2017)#

We will now write a complete model from scratch using a well-known multi-period optimization problem for optimal lot-sizing adapted from Hagen et al. (2001) shown below.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} min \sum _{t \in T} c_{t} y_{t} + h_{t}^{+}I_{t}^{+} + h_{t}^{-}I_{t}^{-} \\ s.t. \;\;\;I_{t} &= I_{t-1} + X_{t} - d_{t} \\ I_{t} &= I_{t}^{+} - I_{t}^{-} \\ X_{t} &\leq Py_{t} \\ X_{t}, I_{t}^{+}, I_{t}^{-} &\geq 0 \\ y_{t} &\in \{0,1\} \end{align} \end{split}\]

Our goal is to find the optimal production \(X_{t}\) given known demands \(d_{t}\), fixed cost \(c_{t}\) associated with active production in a particular time period, an inventory holding cost \(h_{t}^{+}\) and a shortage cost \(h_{t}^{-}\) (cost of keeping a backlog) of orders. The variable \(y_{t}\) (binary) determines if we produce in time \(t\) or not, and \(I_{t}^{+}\) represents inventory that we are storing across time period \(t\), while \(h_{t}^{-}\) represents the magnitude of the backlog. Note that equation (4) is a constraint that only allows production in time period t if the indicator variable \(y_{t}=1\). Below we write a Pyomo model for this problem and solve it using glpk using the data provided below.





fixed cost of production



initial value of positive inventory



initial value of backlogged orders



cost (per unit) of holding inventory



shortage cost (per unit)



maximum production amount (big-M value)





import pyomo.environ as pyo

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.T = pyo.RangeSet(5)    # time periods

i0 = 5.0           # initial inventory
c = 4.6            # setup cost
h_pos = 0.7        # inventory holding cost
h_neg = 1.2        # shortage cost
P = 5.0            # maximum production amount

# demand during period t
d = {1: 5.0, 2:7.0, 3:6.2, 4:3.1, 5:1.7}

# define the variables
model.y = pyo.Var(model.T, domain=pyo.Binary)
model.x = pyo.Var(model.T, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.i = pyo.Var(model.T)
model.i_pos = pyo.Var(model.T, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
model.i_neg = pyo.Var(model.T, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)

# define the inventory relationships
def inventory_rule(m, t):
    if t == m.T.first():
        return m.i[t] == i0 + m.x[t] - d[t]
    return m.i[t] == m.i[t-1] + m.x[t] - d[t]
model.inventory = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=inventory_rule)

def pos_neg_rule(m, t):
    return m.i[t] == m.i_pos[t] - m.i_neg[t]
model.pos_neg = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=pos_neg_rule)

# create the big-M constraint for the production indicator variable
def prod_indicator_rule(m,t):
    return m.x[t] <= P*m.y[t]
model.prod_indicator = pyo.Constraint(model.T, rule=prod_indicator_rule)

# define the cost function
def obj_rule(m):
    return sum(c*m.y[t] + h_pos*m.i_pos[t] + h_neg*m.i_neg[t] for t in m.T)
model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=obj_rule)

# solve the problem
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk')

# print the results
for t in model.T:
    print('Period: {0}, Prod. Amount: {1}'.format(t, pyo.value(model.x[t]))) 
Period: 1, Prod. Amount: 3.0
Period: 2, Prod. Amount: 5.0
Period: 3, Prod. Amount: 5.0
Period: 4, Prod. Amount: 5.0
Period: 5, Prod. Amount: 0.0