2.1 Knapsack problem with rules:#
Rules are important for defining indexed constraints, however, they can also be used for single (i.e. scalar) constraints. Here we reimplement the model using rules for the objective and the constraints.
import pyomo.environ as pyo
A = ['hammer', 'wrench', 'screwdriver', 'towel']
b = {'hammer':8, 'wrench':3, 'screwdriver':6, 'towel':11}
w = {'hammer':5, 'wrench':7, 'screwdriver':4, 'towel':3}
W_max = 14
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var( A, within=pyo.Binary )
def obj_rule(m):
return sum( b[i]*m.x[i] for i in A )
model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=obj_rule, sense = pyo.maximize )
def weight_con_rule(m):
return sum( w[i]*m.x[i] for i in A ) <= W_max
model.weight_con = pyo.Constraint(rule=weight_con_rule)
opt = pyo.SolverFactory('cbc')
opt_success = opt.solve(model)
1 Var Declarations
x : Size=4, Index={hammer, wrench, screwdriver, towel}
Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
hammer : 0 : 1.0 : 1 : False : False : Binary
screwdriver : 0 : 1.0 : 1 : False : False : Binary
towel : 0 : 1.0 : 1 : False : False : Binary
wrench : 0 : 0.0 : 1 : False : False : Binary
1 Objective Declarations
obj : Size=1, Index=None, Active=True
Key : Active : Sense : Expression
None : True : maximize : 8*x[hammer] + 3*x[wrench] + 6*x[screwdriver] + 11*x[towel]
1 Constraint Declarations
weight_con : Size=1, Index=None, Active=True
Key : Lower : Body : Upper : Active
None : -Inf : 5*x[hammer] + 7*x[wrench] + 4*x[screwdriver] + 3*x[towel] : 14.0 : True
3 Declarations: x obj weight_con