Here is a list of our scholarly publications.
Notice that the most updated list is provided by Google Scholar.
- Brown, R., Venturelli, D., Pavone, M., & Bernal Neira, D. (2024). Accelerating Continuous Variable Coherent Ising Machines via Momentum. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.12135.
- Kerger, P., Bernal Neira, D., Gonzalez Izquierdo, Z., & Rieffel, E. (2023). Mind the O: Asymptotically better, but still impractical, quantum distributed algorithms. Algorithms.
- Maciel Xavier, P., Ripper, P., Andrade, T., Dias Garcia, J., Maculan, N., & Bernal Neira, D. (2023). QUBO. jl: A Julia Ecosystem for Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization. arXiv e-prints.
- Bernal Neira, D., Laird, C., Harwood, S., Trenev, D., & Venturelli, D. (2023). Impact of Emerging Computing Architectures and Opportunities for Process Systems Engineering Applications. Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO)/Chemical Process Control (CPC) 2023.
- Lubinski, T., Coffrin, C., McGeoch, C., Sathe, P., Apanavicius, J., & Bernal Neira, D. (2023). Optimization Applications as Quantum Performance Benchmarks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02278.
- Su, L., Bernal Neira, D., Grossmann, I., & Tang, L. (2023). Modeling for integrated refinery planning with crude-oil scheduling. Chemical Engineering Research and Design.
- Brown, R., Bernal Neira, D., Venturelli, D., & Pavone, M. (2022). Copositive programming for mixed-binary quadratic optimization via Ising solvers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.13630.
- Bernal Neira, D., Ovalle, D., Liñán, D., Ricardez-Sandoval, L., Gómez, J., & Grossmann, I. (2022). Process Superstructure Optimization through Discrete Steepest Descent Optimization: a GDP Analysis and Applications in Process Intensification. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Liu, Y., Bynum, M., Laird, C., Siirola, J., & Grossmann, I. (2022). Advances in Generalized Disjunctive and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Algorithms and Software for Superstructure Optimization. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Peng, Z., Kronqvist, J., & Grossmann, I. (2022). Alternative regularizations for Outer-Approximation algorithms for convex MINLP. Journal of Global Optimization.
- Bernal Neira, D., Ajagekar, A., Harwood, S., Stober, S., Trenev, D., & You, F. (2022). Perspectives of quantum computing for chemical engineering. AIChE Journal.
- Quintero, R., Bernal Neira, D., Terlaky, T., & Zuluaga, L. (2022). Characterization of QUBO reformulations for the maximum k-colorable subgraph problem. Quantum Information Processing.
- Chen, Q., Johnson, E., Bernal Neira, D., Valentin, R., Kale, S., Bates, J., Siirola, J., & Grossmann, I. (2022). Pyomo. GDP: an ecosystem for logic based modeling and optimization development. Optimization and Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Ovalle, D., Linan, D., Ricardez-Sandoval, L., Gomez, J., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Discrete-Steepest Descent: A Solution Method for Process Synthesis Generalized Disjunctive Programs. AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Bernal Neira, D. (2021). Modern Computational Approaches to Nonlinear Discrete Optimization and Applications in Process Systems Engineering. .
- Bernal Neira, D. & Grossmann, I. (2021). Convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs derived from generalized disjunctive programming using cones. arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09657.
- Pedrozo, H., Reartes, S., Bernal Neira, D., Vecchietti, A., Díaz, M., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Hybrid model generation for superstructure optimization with Generalized Disjunctive Programming. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Harwood, S., Gambella, C., Trenev, D., Simonetto, A., Bernal Neira, D., & Greenberg, D. (2021). Formulating and solving routing problems on quantum computers. IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering.
- Linan, D., Bernal Neira, D., Gomez, J., & Ricardez-Sandoval, L. (2021). Optimal synthesis and design of catalytic distillation columns: A rate-based modeling approach. Chemical Engineering Science.
- Li, C., Bernal Neira, D., Furman, K., Duran, M., & Grossmann, I. (2021). Sample average approximation for stochastic nonconvex mixed integer nonlinear programming via outer-approximation. Optimization and Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D. & Grossmann, I. (2020). Use of Quantum Computing to Solve Optimization Problems in Process Systems Engineering. 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Chen, Q., Liu, Y., Seastream, G., Bernal Neira, D., Siirola, J., & Grossmann, I. (2020). Pyosyn Graph: New Representation and Systematic Generation. 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Bernal Neira, D. (2020). Modern Computational Approaches to Nonlinear Discrete Optimization and Their Application to Process Systems Engineering. 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Bernal Neira, D., Tayur, S., & Venturelli, D. (2020). Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP) 47-779: Lecture Notes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.11382.
- Linán, D., Bernal Neira, D., Ricardez-Sandoval, L., & Gómez, J. (2020). Optimal design of superstructures for placing units and streams with multiple and ordered available locations. Part I: A new mathematical framework. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Ikonen, T., Mostafaei, H., Ye, Y., Bernal Neira, D., Grossmann, I., & Harjunkoski, I. (2020). Large-scale selective maintenance optimization using bathtub-shaped failure rates. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Yang, H., Bernal Neira, D., Franzoi, R., Engineer, F., Kwon, K., Lee, S., & Grossmann, I. (2020). Integration of crude-oil scheduling and refinery planning by Lagrangean Decomposition. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Linán, D., Bernal Neira, D., Ricardez-Sandoval, L., & Gómez, J. (2020). Optimal design of superstructures for placing units and streams with multiple and ordered available locations. Part II: Rigorous design of catalytic distillation columns. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Booth, K., Dridi, R., Alghassi, H., Tayur, S., & Venturelli, D. (2020). Integer programming techniques for minor-embedding in quantum annealers. Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 17th International Conference, CPAIOR 2020, Vienna, Austria, September 21–24, 2020, Proceedings 17.
- Kronqvist, J., Bernal Neira, D., & Grossmann, I. (2020). Using regularization and second order information in outer approximation for convex MINLP. Mathematical Programming.
- Bernal Neira, D. & Grossmann, I. (2019). Easily Solvable Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs Derived from Generalized Disjunctive Programming Using Cones. 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Chen, Q., Kale, S., Bates, J., Valentin, R., Bernal Neira, D., Bynum, M., Siirola, J., & Grossmann, I. (2019). Pyosyn: a collaborative ecosystem for process design advancement. 2019 AIChE annual meeting.
- Lara, C., Bernal Neira, D., Li, C., & Grossmann, I. (2019). Global optimization algorithm for multi-period design and planning of centralized and distributed manufacturing networks. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Vigerske, S., Trespalacios, F., & Grossmann, I. (2019). Improving the performance of DICOPT in convex MINLP problems using a feasibility pump. Optimization Methods and Software.
- Kronqvist, J., Bernal Neira, D., Lundell, A., & Grossmann, I. (2019). A review and comparison of solvers for convex MINLP. Optimization and Engineering.
- Kronqvist, J., Bernal Neira, D., Lundell, A., & Westerlund, T. (2019). A center-cut algorithm for quickly obtaining feasible solutions and solving convex MINLP problems. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Leisman, L., Haynes, M., Janowiecki, S., Hallenbeck, G., Jozsa, G., Giovanelli, R., Adams, E., Bernal Neira, D., Cannon, J., & Janesh, W. (2018). VizieR Online Data Catalog: HI-bearing ultra-diffuse ALFALFA galaxies (Leisman+, 2017). VizieR Online Data Catalog.
- Yang, H., Bernal Neira, D., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Integration of Crude-Oil Scheduling and Refinery Planning By Lagrangean Decomposition Approach. 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Bernal Neira, D., Su, L., Tang, L., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Quadratic Cut Decomposition Method for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs. 2018 AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Su, L., Tang, L., Bernal Neira, D., Grossmann, I., & Wang, B. (2018). Integrated scheduling of on-line blending and distribution of oil products in refinery operation. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.
- Bernal Neira, D., Carrillo-Diaz, C., Gómez, J., & Ricardez-Sandoval, L. (2018). Simultaneous design and control of catalytic distillation columns using comprehensive rigorous dynamic models. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
- Bernal Neira, D., Chen, Q., Gong, F., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Mixed-integer nonlinear decomposition toolbox for Pyomo (MindtPy). Computer Aided Chemical Engineering.
- Su, L., Tang, L., Bernal Neira, D., & Grossmann, I. (2018). Improved quadratic cuts for convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Computers & Chemical Engineering.
- Kronqvist, J., Bernal Neira, D., & Grossmann, I. (2017). A Level-Based Quadratic Outer Approximation Algorithm for Convex MINLP. 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting.
- Ball, C., Singer, Q., Cannon, J., Leisman, L., Haynes, M., Adams, E., Bernal Neira, D., Giovanelli, R., Hallenbeck, G., & Janesh, W. (2017). VLA+ WSRT HI Imaging of Two" Almost Dark" Galaxies. American Astronomical Society... meeting.
- Leisman, L., Haynes, M., Janowiecki, S., Hallenbeck, G., Józsa, G., Giovanelli, R., Adams, E., Neira, D., Cannon, J., & Janesh, W. (2017). (Almost) Dark Galaxies in the ALFALFA Survey: Isolated H i-bearing Ultra-diffuse Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal.
- Bernal Neira, D. (2016). Optimal design and control of a catalytic distillation column-case study: Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) synthesis column. .
- Bernal Neira, D. (2016). Acotando las velocidades tangenciales de las galaxias satélites de Andrómeda utilizando optimización no lineal. .
- Bernal Neira, D. (2014). Estudio comparativo de los métodos de simulación del sistema de destilación extractiva para la deshidratación de etanol utilizando glicerina como solvente. .